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Glenn Gordon AKA GG

If you have been following WDGP since the beginning, you know who this man was. In the beginning he was my side kick co-host. He was a friend, a true friend to me. In addition to being a great bass player, He was an awesome song writer as well an inventor,

He introduced me to some awesome musicians, some of wish were on guests on Conversations.

He never forgot me. He built a great business, and no matter what, he always wanted us to stay connected. He was always looking for a way to increase my coins as well as his own.

We would have marathon phone conversations and would strategize for hours at a time.

I can truly say I loved him as a brother from another mother.

Mostly, I was in awe of his talent, his kindness, and his humility.

He will forever be missed by me. It hurts that I will never be able to speak with him again on this plane and I look forward to seeing him in heaven.

I love you GG!


Visit GG and Friends You tube Page for more great music!


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